Faqs | Iqbal Foods Inc

In-store and online prices may vary.


How do I place an order?

It is very simple, quick and easy.

  1. Kindly click on “Check your Delivery Address” on the home page to check whether we deliver to your address currently. Once confirmed, you can start shopping.
  2. Start by shopping for a product you wish- you can search by typing the product name or brand name or generic name. You can also look in categories or brands or specials. Then select “Add to Cart”.
  3. If you wish to continue shopping, you can follow same as step 2.
  4. If you are done, then click “Check out”.
  5. Once you are in check out page, you need to create an account by entering your e-mail address and your own password. Kindly follow password rule.
  6. Then you enter your full name, phone number and full address (from the pop-down). You can put your door or unit number in notes/ special instructions.
  7. You can then press “Pay Now/ Order Now”. You will be re-directed to secured website of TD Canada and you will have to enter your card information and billing details. Once approved, your order is confirmed and done.
  8. You will get a confirmation e-mail immediately. You will also get payment receipt from the bank.
  9. We will try to deliver your order in 1-3 business days. Once your order is processed and packed, you will get an e-mail about shipment confirmation.
  10. We deliver between 3 and 8pm. We process your order only hours before delivery to keep all items fresh.

Why should I create an account?

If you create an account, you can shop next time without entering all personal and shipping details again. You can also have your list of frequently ordered items and hence can easily repeat them. Customers with account can also get details of our specials and promotions instantly.

Is it safe to order from our website?

Yes it is very safe. All account and checkout information is transmitted through a secure (https) connection. Our https servers are secured with SSL certificates that prevent a “phishing” site to disguise as www.iqbalfoods.ca so when you are using our website, you are totally secure and are communicating only to our website.

As far as payment information, your credit card information is handled by TD Canada through their encrypted protocol and hence no financial information is stored in our website. TD conforms to all PCIDSS- PCI Data Security Standards and is regularly audited for the same. They have secure payment profiling that prevents any PCI fraud.

What is the delivery condition?

We try to deliver within 1-3 business days. For locations that are more than 50 kms., we will try to deliver once or twice a week. We process your order only on the day of delivery. We work our best to reach (all fresh meat, produce, frozen and grocery) to your doorstep with high quality so that it as fresh as when it was packed.

What are the types of payments do you accept?

We accept all types of Visa, MasterCard and Discover- Credit or Debit.

Can I pay when I receive my order?

You cannot pay when you receive. You need to pay at the time of checkout.

Can I place order and pick-up?

Yes, you can place your order online and pick-up from our store. Our customer service rep will contact you with pick-up time and date. You can call our store line for curb side pick-up. The customer rep will guide you about pick-up.

Can I modify or cancel the order?

You need to call our store line and speak to customer rep about the same. You can also e-mail at [email protected]. If your order was already processed, then the customer rep will let you know. Your order will not be automatically modified/ cancelled.

Why cannot I add a product to my cart when it is shown in website?

This is due to the product not in stock or available in-store only.

Why do I get less weight for meat than what I paid for?

The net weight of meat varies from 0-20% from the gross weight due to loss of fat or cleaning or cutting.

Is there a minimum order for meat?

For most meat, you can order by pound. For some, you have to order by weight as the minimum weight is not one pound.

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